
Mermaids and Me
I always want to remember this moment. Floating in the pool. Feeling the dance of my breath in my body. And the water. Water is such a cleansing element. When I’m submerged in water, there is no pain and no past. Just now.
The Difference Between Isolation and Solitude
As humans, we need both connection and solitude. Even if we’re introverts, we still need intimacy, touch, and social contact. Even if we’re extroverts, we still need to be alone sometimes. Many people are scared of solitude because they confuse it with isolation. So what’s the difference?
Gaslighting Ourselves
People talk a lot about gaslighting, i.e., manipulating others by questioning their sanity. It’s a terrible tactic that many people use to get what they want. But just as important are the ways we gaslight ourselves.

Letter to My Solitude
Dear Solitude, I used to be so terrified of you. If I wasn’t constantly busy or taking care of someone else, you’d come around to remind me where I come from. If I slowed down at all, you’d show me how lonely I was. I couldn’t understand or feel the joy of being with you.
Letter To My Inner Child
I see you and love you to the moon. I have no illusions that I ever would have made it through life without you. You are such a brave little one. I’m here because you survived childhood. Without your ability to get us through, I could never know the beautiful life I have today.