
Your Mind Isn’t Broken
Good mental-health support involves, first, addressing any shame that keeps people from being able to look honestly at what’s been locked away. Then, it involves making time and space for people to feel safe enough to investigate their inner compartments. Finally, it involves being patient with people’s processes, which can take years.
Letter To My Inner Child
I see you and love you to the moon. I have no illusions that I ever would have made it through life without you. You are such a brave little one. I’m here because you survived childhood. Without your ability to get us through, I could never know the beautiful life I have today.

I Can Fly
My curiosity with hypnotherapy began when I was a nanny during my first year of college in the United States. When the kids were asleep, I would watch T.V. to try to improve my English. One day, I saw a talk show about a woman who could heal people through hypnosis. “That’s magic!” I said out loud. “I want to do that.”